Corning, CA 96021
The City of Corning has four established Commissions which are: Airport Commission (meetings held quarterly on 1st Monday of the month); Recreation Commission (meetings held quarterly on 1st Tuesday of the month); Library Commission (meetings held on the 1st Wednesday of the month); and Planning Commission (held monthly on the 3rd Tuesday of the month). All Commissions consist of five members appointed by a majority vote of the City Council. Commissioners serve voluntarily without financial compensation except prior City Council approved reimbursement of necessary expenses incurred by the Commission Member when representing the City. All Commission terms are 4 years.
Each dedicated Commissioner is a member of the community. They generously donate their time by serving in an advisory capacity via recommendations to the City Council on subjects/issues associated with their respective Commission. Recommendations are reached following review of public comments/requests and the information provided by City Staff. Commission recommendations are presented to the City Council by City Staff for final action.
If you are interested in volunteering to serve on a Commission, please complete an application located below and submit it to City Clerk Rubi Ordaz at City Hall. If you have any questions regarding the Commissions or the application form please contact Rubi at (530) 824-7033.