Corning, CA 96021
Closed for lunch 12:30 -1:30
Observed Holidays Schedule
Mission Statement
The Finance Department’s mission is to provide first-rate public service while accurately reporting the financial position of the City. We make every effort to provide accurate, reliable, efficient, and transparent financial data, while keeping in the forefront of our minds the City’s financial integrity.
Vision Statement
The Finance Department for the City of Corning strives in all actions to reflect a dedication to public service, while protecting the economic sustainability of the City
The Administration Department is led by the City Manager and serves as the City’s Chief Executive and Administrative Head of the Government under the direction and control of the City Council as a whole. She is responsible to the City Council for the day-to-day management of all City affairs and leadership of City Department Heads.
In addition, the City Manager also serves as both the Finance and Personnel Director.
The City Manager’s responsibilities, authority, and limits on authority are clearly defined in the City’s Municipal Code, Chapter 2.44.