DATE: August 26, 2022
August 24th – September 5th: Administrative Assistant/City Clerk Lisa Linnet will be on vacation.
September 5th: Labor Day Holiday, City Hall and Corporation Yard will be closed.
Awning Grant Program:
The City Council approved the Awning Grant Program Guidelines and an Agreement with 3CORE to implement the Grant Program at its meeting on August 23rd.
Groundwater Commission Meeting:
I participated in the Tehama County Groundwater Commission meeting on August 24th. The Commission approved the 2023 meeting schedule with meetings continuing during the working day. I suggested meetings be held in the evenings to allow a Corning City Council member to sit on the Commission and allow the working public the option to attend the meetings. Should the Groundwater Sustainability Agency regulations governing new and replacement wells not prove to work as we hope, it would take two years of data for action to begin within the Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP). The goal of the GSP is to provide water sustainability over the long-term.
Small Community Drought Relief Grant Program:
I spoke with a representative from the Department of Water Resources about our application to extend the City waterline to areas in the unincorporated County of Tehama where residential dry wells are present. She indicated our application is still in the cue, but since we are requesting a significant amount of funding other smaller projects in other communities have been funded.
California Air Resources Board (CARB) New Proposed Rules:
New proposed rules proposed by CARB if approved will require 45% of all new passenger vehicles that auto companies offer for sale starting in 2026 to be zero-emission -basically electric, plug-in hybrid or fuel cell. The proposed rules will ramp up to 68% by 2030 and 100% by 2035. It is critical the City diversify its economic tax base as the City will likely lose significant fuel sales tax in the coming years.
CalPERS Pension Returns:
The California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) recently announced a preliminary -6.1% net return on investments for the 12-month period ending on June 30, 2022. This is CalPERS’ first loss since the global financial crisis of 2009, which was also driven by tumultuous global markets.
The negative return, combined with CalPERS’ 6.8% discount rate, led to a roughly 9% drop in the pension fund’s estimated overall funded status. As a result, employer contributions are expected to increase in the coming years beginning in 2024-2025. Rates will initially go down after last year’s strong return of 21% before going back up to current rates or higher in the fiscal year that follows. Statewide cities’ can expect employer rates for their miscellaneous plans to increase about 2-4% in fiscal year 2024-25. Safety plan employer rates may increase between 4 and 6%. I will be reviewing how the statewide returns affect our Plans locally and provide a report to the City Council.
Solano Street Improvement Project:
The Solano Street Improvement Project has started again at the 5th Street and 6th Street intersections. Solano Street will be closed to thru traffic between 3rd Street and West Street until
September 23rd. Local business on Solano Street and the adjacent cross streets are open for business. Please be considerate of the limited parking spaces in the area a leave those spaces for the downtown business customers if possible.
Yost Park and Clark Park Field Lighting:
The Contractor started replacing the field lights and ballasts that are currently not working at Yost Park this week and will continue to the Clark Park fields once they have completed Yost Park.
Electronic Monument Sign:
We have received notification that our new LED monument sign to replace the existing sign at the transportation center has been put into production. The installing contractor has been issued the building permit and as soon as the sign is delivered, installation will occur.
Corning Tuesday Night Market:
The September Tuesday Night Market is being cancelled due to the construction on Solano Street, currently we are planning a fun October 4th Tuesday Night Market.
Recreation Contest:
Corning Recreation is currently holding an online, social media contest where a child can win a free Fall class by sending in a photo of their favorite recreational activity. Deadline is September 1 with the winner being announced by random drawing on September 2nd.
Fall Classes:
Fall classes will begin in October and run through the week before Thanksgiving. We have some fun specialty classes planned for the month of December.
Patrol: In addition to responding to 136 calls for service, a total of 31 officer reports were taken and there were 103 officer-initiated incidents, including 57 traffic stops. Officers made 9 misdemeanor and 5 felony arrests. Officers issued 14 citations, of which; 9 were misdemeanors, 3 were infractions and 2 were parking during the period of August 18, 2022, through August 24, 2022.
Training: Officers continue to participate in POST Portal training and Lexipol Daily Training Bulletins. Other POST online training continues for Patrol and Dispatch personnel.
“You always pass failure on the way to success.”
Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume: The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 18 calls for service last week, they were: 12 medicals, 3 fires, 2 public service and 1 investigation.
The Glenn County Volunteer Fire Departments Call Volumes: The Orland, Capay, Artois, Bayliss, Glenn Codora, Ord Bend and Butte City Volunteer Fire Departments were dispatched to 28 calls for service last week, they were: 12 medicals, 8 fires, 4 traffic collisions, 3 public service and 1 hazardous condition.
Chief’s Message:
Please check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, they do save lives!!