• Friday, December 23rd, and Monday December 26th: City Hall, City’s Finance Department, and the City’s Public Works Corporation Yard will be closed for Christmas.
Dry Well Water Distribution Services:
The Tehama County Chief Administrator and I agreed to extend water distribution services three days per week (Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays) through December 31st. The County is supplying the staff to provide the water and the City of Corning is performing all scheduling and billing services.
The Tehama County Board of Supervisors approved an Agreement with North Valley Community Foundation to initiate a water delivery program to those with dry wells. The Program will include, installing storage tanks and pumps, hauling water, and providing bottled water for drinking. I am hopeful the Program will be up and running around the first of the year. At that point, the City will stop its Program. I am grateful to the County for moving forward with this grant.
Public Information Officer Training
Vice Mayor Demo and I attended a Public Information in an All-Hazards Event Training on November 29th and 30th. The training taught us best public information response methods in the event of a major disaster.
Election Results:
The City Clerk received the “Final Official Report” on the recent City Elections yesterday afternoon. The following is declared to be the Official Count of the Precinct votes cast:
Total number of votes cast: 2,181
Robert E. Snow., Mayor 1,530
Unresolved Write-in Votes, Mayor 0
David L. Demo, City Council Member 616
Karen S. Burnett, City Council Member 258
Timothy D. Moran, City Council Member 124
Jessica A. Brooke, City Council Member 243
Lisa “Chata” Lomeli, City Council Member 504
Brooke C. Smith, City Council Member 436
Unresolved Write-in Votes, City Council Member 0
A special City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 6:30pm at which time the City Council will be presented a Resolution accepting the Canvass of Votes and Results of the Municipal Election held on November 8th, and the Mayor and new City Council Members will take their Oath of Office.
Community Events/Street Impact:
• The Corning Chamber of Commerce will be hosting the annual Hometown Christmas Parade on Saturday, December 3rd beginning at Corning City Hall at 5:30pm. The procession will go west bound on Solano Street to Houghton Avenue. Solano Street closure will begin at approximately 5:00pm to prepare for the parade and will re-open once the parade has finished.
• The Corning Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a Shop Solano & Hometown Craft Fair on Solano Street on Saturday, December 3rd from 10:00am to 2:00pm. The event will take place on the sidewalk adjacent to the downtown businesses. Traffic will not be interrupted for this event.
Leaf Pick Up:
Leaf pickup will continue as time allows. Leaf piles must not have branches, brush or other debris or they will not be removed. Please make sure leaves are not blocking gutters preventing water flow.
Water Main/Service Repairs:
City Staff has located and fixed the water service leaks on Toomes Avenue and Fig Lane.
Drainage Ditches:
The Salt Creek Conservation Camp Crew Members are continuing the annual cleaning of the Cities drainage ditches. They will clear brush and debris from the local streambeds of both Jewett and Burch Creeks and the Blackburn Moon Drain.
Public Works Crew:
Christmas banners and lights have been hung up along Solano Street. The tree lights have been hung in anticipation of the tree lighting after the parade. Thank you to the crew for their decorating and the Fire Department for the use of the ladder truck to assist with the tree lights.
Electronic Monument Sign:
We have received notification that our new LED monument sign to replace the existing sign at the Transportation Center is anticipated to ship on December 5th. The installing Contractor has been issued the Building Permit and as soon as the sign is delivered installation will occur.
Utility Box Painting:
The artists have begun painting their projects. Most of the utility boxes have been primed; they will possibly be delayed due to the incoming storm. We are very excited to see the outcome.
Breakfast with Santa Program:
Staff is preparing for our first ever Breakfast with Santa Program. A huge “Thank You” goes out to Maywood Middle School Teacher Kelly Hallman for helping Chrissy Meeds gather 4 students to help us out in return for Community Service Certificates.
Letters to Santa Program:
The City’s “Letter to Santa” Program has been a big success; we are receiving a steady stream of letters. Replies from Santa will be sent out the week of December 12th.
Jr. Giants Baseball/Softball Program:
Corning Recreation is looking for an Instructor to run a new summer Jr. Giants Baseball/Softball Program. The City is looking forward to bringing this League back to our City. The Program provides boys and girls within the Community an opportunity to participate, regardless of whether they have played a sport in the past, feel they are not good enough to play, or have family financial limitations. This Program is free for all youth and all equipment and uniforms are given to the kids with no obligation. This League will not interfere with any other Corning sport leagues as the season falls in the middle of all other League activities and runs from June to August.
Laurel Ad and Water Expansion Project:
Staff received an updated comment letter from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife regarding the Laurel Ag and Water Expansion Project. Therefore, we can now move forward; the Public Hearing for the Project will be presented at the December 20th Planning Commission Meeting.
In addition to responding to 111 calls for service, a total of 20 officer reports were taken and there were 65 officer-initiated incidents, including 20 traffic stops. Officers made 3 misdemeanor arrests and 1 felony arrest. Officers issued 8 citations, of which; 1 was a felony, 3 were misdemeanors, 3 were infractions, and 1 was parking during the period of November 24, 2022, through November 30, 2022.
New Dispatcher:
New Police Department dispatcher, Gabriella Gutierrez started on Sunday, November 27th and has begun training.
Hometown Christmas:
The Corning Police Department looks forward to seeing everyone at the Hometown Christmas on Saturday December 3rd.
“You don’t need anyone’s permission to chase your dreams.”
Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:
The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 25 calls for service last week, they consisted of: 19 medicals, 1 fire, 2 traffic collision, and 3 public service.
The Glenn County Volunteer Fire Departments Call Volumes:
The Orland, Capay, Artois, Bayliss, Glenn Codora, Ord Bend and Butte City Volunteer Fire Departments were dispatched to 20 calls for service last week, they consisted of: 8 medicals, 5 fires, 4 traffic collisions, 1 investigation, and 2 public service.
Chiefs Messages:
• Corning Volunteer Fire Department will be hosting a spaghetti dinner the evening of Hometown Christmas (December 3rd) from 4pm to 8pm; cost is $10/per person.
• Firefighters are now selling raffle tickets for the annual Christmas Basket Program. Tickets are $5 each.