- Friday, December 23rd, and Monday December 26th: City Hall, City’s Finance Department, and the City’s Public Works Corporation Yard will be closed for the Christmas Holiday.
New Council Member, Lisa Lomeli:
Please join me in welcoming Lisa Lomeli to the City Council. City Attorney Collin Bogener and I reviewed the Brown Act with Mrs. Lomeli. I will also be meeting with her on December 12th to bring her up to speed on current projects and issues.
Awning Grant Program:
At the December 13th City Council meeting the City Council will consider extending the Awning Grant Program to West Street. Previously the Grant Program was limited to being on Solano Street between 3rd and 6th Streets and to the alleyways on each side.
Bargaining Unit Negotiations:
City Labor Negotiator Greg Einhorn, Administrative Services Manager Lisa Linnet, and I met with all four Employee Bargaining Units on December 6th. We have another meeting scheduled for December 20th.
Sacramento Valley Division City Managers Group:
As President, I hosted the monthly meeting whereby nineteen City Manager’s attended to hear about how the Proposition 47 Grant Program can be used to address recidivism and homelessness in communities. The next meeting will be held in-person in Roseville on January 12th.
City’s Employee Holiday Luncheon:
The City’s Employee Holiday Luncheon will be Friday, December 9th at noon. All City Council Members and employees are welcome to attend. The luncheon will be at the Fire Hall. A white elephant gift exchange will be held (participation is voluntary), there is a $20 gift limit.
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Development Reimbursement Agreement to Extend Water and Sewer Infrastructure to the Westside of Interstate 5:
I am working on the RFQ whereby developers will compete to receive a Development Reimbursement Agreement to extend water and sewer services to the westside of Interstate 5. The goal is to have the RFQ ready for the January 10th City Council meeting.
Leaf Pick Up:
Leaf pickup will continue as time allows. Leaf piles must not have branches, brush, or other debris or they will not be removed. Please make sure leaves are not blocking gutters preventing water flow.
Pickleball/Tennis Court Surfacing:
City Staff is aware of the bubbles in the new court surface and has contacted the Contractor that completed the resurfacing. An update will be given once a response is received.
Drainage Ditches:
Crew Members from Salt Creek Conservation Camp are continuing the annual cleaning of the Cities drainage ditches. They will clear brush and debris from the local streambeds of both Jewett and Burch creeks and the Blackburn Moon Drain.
Jennings Heights Roadway Resurfacing:
Staff has been advised to wait until after the new year to advertise for construction bids on this project due to the fluctuation of the resurfacing materials. Plans and Specifications will be presented at the January 10th City Council Meeting and advertisement will immediately follow.
West Street School and Olive View School ATP Projects:
Plans and specifications are currently at 95% and utility companies have been notified for utility certification. Once the Consultant received utility certifications back the right of way certification can be completed and an application for construction funding can be submitted. We anticipate construction this upcoming spring.
Breakfast with Santa Program:
Breakfast with Santa is this weekend, and we couldn’t be happier. A huge “Thank You” goes out to Maywood Middle School Teacher Kelly Hallman for helping Chrissy Meeds gather 4 students to help us out in return for Community Service Certificates.
Letters to Santa Program:
Letters from Santa will begin going out next week. We currently have over 40 letters to write with more to come in this weekend.
Winter Recreation Classes:
Winter Recreation Classes are open for registration with classes starting the week of January 9th. We will be offering a new program this winter called Internet safety.
QR Code for Recreation Class Registration:
Corning Recreation has made it easier to register for classes by scanning the QR code.
In addition to responding to 130 calls for service, a total of 23 officer reports were taken and there were 61 officer-initiated incidents, including 20 traffic stops. Officers made 9 misdemeanor arrests and 2 felony arrests. Officers issued 13 citations, of which 9 were misdemeanors, 1 infraction, and 3 were parking during the period of December 01, 2022, through December 07, 2022.
Officers continue to participate in POST Portal Training and Lexipol Daily Training Bulletins. Other POST on-line training continues for Patrol and Dispatch personnel.
“Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by a lack of meaning and purpose.” — VF
Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:
The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 25 calls for service last week, they consisted of: 17 medicals, 1 fire, 2 traffic collision, 1 vehicle fire, and 4 public service.
The Glenn County Volunteer Fire Departments Call Volumes:
The Orland, Capay, Artois, Bayliss, Glenn Codora, Ord Bend and Butte City Volunteer Fire Departments were dispatched to 17 calls for service last week, they consisted of: 11 medicals, 4 traffic collisions, and 2 public service.
Chiefs Messages:
- Corning Volunteer Fire Department would like to thank the community for their great turnout at the spaghetti dinner.
- Next Thursday, December 15th is the annual gift-wrapping party beginning at 5:30pm.