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Friday Notes August 6, 2021

Posted on August 6, 2021



DATE:   August 6, 2021



AUGUST 4TH – 9th:  Public Works/Engineering Consultant Robin Kampmann will be out of the office.



Proposition 47 Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 RESTORE Program:

Numerous State and local Cohort 2 meetings were held this week where implementation challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic were discussed and solutions were brainstormed.  The Job Training Center will be drafting a proposal to provide more flexibility in their Workforce Development and Paid Work Experience Program.  Once received I will review and submit to the Bureau of State and Community Corrections for consideration.

Payoff of City’s Pension Side Fund Loan:

At the August 10, 2021 City Council meeting, Staff will be requesting Council approval to pay off the City’s Pension Side Fund debt early, which would save the City approximately $16,164 in interest.  The City is in the financial condition to pay off this debt early with over $2,400,000 in General Fund Reserves.

In the next few months, the City Council will hear presentations on other opportunities to reduce the City’s pension debt.

Food Truck Tuesday:

Food Truck Tuesday was held on August 3rd with great success.  While not as many food trucks attended as were scheduled, there were many other free activities for kids and a Beer and Wine Garden.  I would like to thank Recreation Coordinator Chrissy Meeds for organizing the event, Police, Fire, Public Works, Rotary, Police Activities League, and the Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians for their combined efforts in producing a successful event.  Thank you all!

Free Swim Day!:

The City of Corning is offering a Free Swim Day on Saturday  August 7th.  Please see the Corning Recreation Facebook page for further information.




Conditional Use Permit:

Staff is preparing a Conditional Use Permit to present for Public Hearing at the August 17th Planning Commission Meeting.  Staff received an application from Sobel Development to develop a 16,000 sq ft Grocery Outlet and a 950 sq ft. drive-thru Coffee Shop with outdoor seating on a parcel located on the east side of Edith Avenue just north of the Olive Pit Parking Lot.  If approved, Sobel Development would like to get started right away.


Free Swim Day at City Pool:

A Free Swim Day will be held Saturday, August 7th at the Corning City Pool.  I will provide a short presentation (roughly 5 minutes) regarding the Rural Recreation and Tourism (RTR) Grant and then have those present make their selection of their desired top feature.


Photos of proposed features were hung at last Tuesday’s Food Truck Tuesday Event and desired selections were made by those present.  Currently the Ropes Obstacle Course was the most selected, the Red Bull Pump Track currently is in second place, closely followed by a Splash Pad.  All are within 1 point of each other.

Summer Recreation:

Summer Recreation is winding down.  The Jr. Hip Hop Class performed in front of the crowd at last Tuesday’s Food Truck Tuesday Event and did a great job.  Robotics Instructor Mr. Wayne was there also with a few of his students giving robot demonstrations, and the Photography Class was out and about photographing the event.

August 3rd Food Truck Tuesday Event:

Food Truck Tuesday was well attended by the public.  We had a few trucks bail on the event unfortunately at the last minute, however those present were very busy and some sold out.  Staff is looking forward to next month’s event.



Part-Time Public Works Landscape and Maintenance Worker:

The Application submittal deadline has been extended until filled for the part-time landscape and maintenance worker position.  Applications can be found on the City website.

Staff Vacations:

The Public Works/Engineering Consultant, Robin Kampmann, will be on vacation August 4th thru August 9th.  Please contact the Assistant Public Works Director Steve Lindeman or City Hall in her absence.




In addition to responding to 180 calls for service, a total of 35 officer reports were taken and there were 146 officer-initiated incidents, including 71 traffic stops.  Officers made 16 misdemeanor and 3 felony arrests.  Officers issued 25 citations, of which; 15 were misdemeanors, 1 was a felony 5 were infractions, 4 were parking during the period of July 28,2021 through August 4, 2021.


Officers continue to participate in POST Portal Training and Lexipol Daily Training Bulletins.  Other POST on-line training continues for Patrol and Dispatch personnel.

“Don’t stop until you’re proud.”



Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:

The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 24 calls for service last week, they consisted of:  15 medicals, 1 fire, 4 mutual aid fires, 1 mutual aid traffic collision, and 3 public service.

The Orland, Capay, Artois, Bayliss, Glenn Codora, and Butte City Volunteer Fire Department Call Volumes:

The Orland, Capay, Artois, Bayliss, Glenn Codora, and Butte City Volunteer Fire Departments were dispatched to a combined total of 34 calls for service last week, they consisted of:  18 medicals, 9 fires, 5 traffic collisions, 1 public service, and 1 investigation.

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