New City Building Official:
I happy to welcome our City’s new full time Building Official Kale Graham to our Staff. Kale fills the position previously held by Dan Redding who retired in September. Kale has worked for the City previously on a part-time basis serving as a part-time Building Inspector when former Building Official Dan Redding was out for a time. Welcome aboard Kale.
Groundbreaking Ceremony:
A Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Proposition 68 Recreation Center and City Plaza Project will be held at 3PM on February 27th. Demolition of the entire City block will begin on February 28th. This is exciting!
Annual Financial Statements:
The City’s Annual Financial Statements will be presented at the March 14th City Council meeting. Don Reynolds who conducts the annual audit is not available to attend the February 28th City Council meeting.
Public Safety Unit Negotiations:
Currently the City is in active negotiations with the Public Safety Unit and are at impasse. Mediation is scheduled for mid-March. I am concerned inaccurate information is being communicated to the public. Traditionally the City has provided higher total pay and better benefits than Tehama and Glenn County. The City’s most recent offer continues to do so. Further, the City approved the hiring of an additional police officer and the promotion of a fourth sergeant as part of the fiscal year 2022/2023 budget cycle. The Sergeant position has already been filled. We also have one recruit in the Police Academy for the new police officer position. There are no other vacancies for sworn personnel.
Community Development Block Grant Funds CV 2 and 3
I will be meeting with the State on February 27th regarding the CDBG CV 2 and 3 Subsistence Assistance Program. The State is requesting 80% of the funds be expended by June 2023. There is a possibility we will need to disencumber a portion of the funds.
Awning Requests for Proposals:
A mandatory Pre-Bid Walk will be held on March 1st.
Building Demolition – City Plaza & Recreation Center:
CVE Contracting Group, Inc. will be onsite on Tuesday, February 28th to start the building demolition for the City Plaza and Recreation Center. A groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled for Monday, February 27th at 3pm.
Vandalism of City Properties:
The restroom doors at the Skate Park and Woodson Park were both damaged this week. Staff has repaired the doors at both locations.
Water Main Repairs:
Staff is aware of the water main leak on Solano Street. USA has been notified and as soon as the incoming storm passes staff will be making the repair.
Corning Tuesday Night Market Dates:
The Corning Tuesday Night Market dates have been set and are as follows:
- April 4, May 2, June 6, September 5, and October 2nd from 5:00pm to 8pm.
Events will take place on Solano Street between 4th street and 6th street and will feature, Food Trucks, Live Music, a Beer and Wine Garden, Vendors, a Kids Zone and more.
Mobile Vendors:
Mobile Vendors that have not complied with the requirements of the amended Municipal Code have received warning letters informing them that they have until Friday, February 24th to comply or they risk being shut down.
In addition to responding to 127 calls for service, a total of 17 officer reports were taken and there were 86 officer-initiated incidents, including 37 traffic stops. Officers made 6 misdemeanor arrests and 6 felony arrests. Officers issued 12 citations, of which; 6 were misdemeanors, 4 were infractions, and 2 were parking during the period of February 16, 2023, through February 22, 2023.
Officers continue to participate in POST Portal Training and Lexipol Daily Training Bulletins. Other POST online training continues for Patrol and Dispatch personnel.
Law Enforcement and Fire Recognition Dinner:
Staff from the Corning Police Department will be attending the Corning Exchange Club dinner and First Responders Awards ceremony on Saturday, February 25, 2023 at the Corning Veterans Memorial Hall. The Officer of the Year award will be presented to Sergeant Kylee Stroing.
“When you can’t make them see the light, make them feel the heat.” Ronald Reagan
Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:
The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 15 calls for service last week, they consisted of: 8 medicals, 1 mutual aid (aircraft down), 2 mutual aid fires, 1 fire, 2 investigations, and 1 public service.
The Glenn County Volunteer Fire Departments Call Volumes:
The Orland, Capay, Artois, Bayliss, Glenn Codora, Ord Bend and Butte City Volunteer Fire Departments were dispatched to 15 calls for service last week, they consisted of: 9 medicals, 4 fires, 1 traffic collision, and 1 investigation.
Chief’s Message:
Please be a responsible neighbor and keep your yards mowed and clear of debris and discarded furniture.