Please maintain your properties, keep them clean and clear of debris.
- Next City Council Meeting: March 11, 2025, at 5:30 p.m.
- Staff completed the mid-year budget update and presented it to City Council.
- Staff provided a Recreation Center and City Plaza Project update to Council and the public at the February 25th City Council Meeting.
- Staff continue to work on the audit and hope to have it completed in the next couple of weeks.
- I had a call with Shasta College regarding Career Technical Education opportunities in Corning.
- I attended the ribbon cutting for the Corning Friends of the Library’s new Little Free Library located at 150 Solano Street. Stop by and pick up a book.
- Staff continues to work with interested developers regarding interest for commercial and residential projects.
- I met with 3CORE for our quarterly check-in. Provided updates regarding project and economic development opportunities.
- Code Enforcement has been actively working on abandoned vehicles and properties with blight and considered a public nuisance.
Commission Vacancies:
Airport Commission – 1 vacant position
Library Commission – 2 vacant positions
If interested, please complete an application at and submit it to City Clerk, Rubi Ordaz, at
All commissions meet quarterly on specified days the first week of the month in January, April, July, and October.
City Pool:
City Staff has started cleaning and preparing the pools for the upcoming pool season. Minor maintenance at the pools will be completed in the upcoming weeks.
Drainage Ditches:
The Conservation Camp Crew Members are continuing the annual cleaning of the Cities drainage ditches. They will clear brush and debris from the local streambeds of both Jewett and Burch creeks and the Blackburn Moon Drain.
Almond and Fig Street Rehabilitation Project:
VSS Inc., continues to work on the Almond and Fig Street Rehabilitation Project. City Staff and the Contractor have been working with the schools to limit the impacts of those who are dropping off and picking up students. The current phase of construction is complete with construction resuming by the middle of March.
Transportation Center Roof Replacement Project:
Four Seasons Roofing is continuing the roof replacement project. Construction is anticipated to be complete by March 10th.
14 Inspections performed
7 new permit applications
1 Code Enforcement property slated for receivership approval on 3/4/25.
916 Sixth St./1406 South St. fire damaged property cleared of all debris
5 Project Final Inspections completed.
Pool Staff:
All pool staff have been hired, Pool Manager and Assistant Manager, along with 14 lifeguards. We are looking forward to a great season.
Free Swim Days:
We have opened up sponsorships for Free swim days at the pool, if you are interested in sponsoring a free swim day contact
Pool Reservations:
We have booked 7 school parties so far and have scheduled our 2nd grade swimming lessons for the week of May 12th.
We want to send a huge Congratulations to the Corning High School Girls Wrestling Team on their 3rd straight Master Championship. Great Job!
Housing Element:
Corning 7th Cycle Draft Housing Element is posted on our website at for review. Staff recently signed an extended contract with Placeworks to help with items required by the state in the 7th cycle housing element.
State Reports:
Staff is currently working on the annual Planning reports for the state.
Housing Developments:
Staff have recently met with two developers discussing possible housing developments in the area.
Code Enforcement:
Staff is working on an ongoing code enforcement case on a house located at 1518 Marin Street, staff is working to mitigate the nuisance.
In addition to responding to 129 calls for service, there were 130 officer-initiated incidents, including 36 traffic stops, and a total of 20 officer reports were taken. Officers made 5 misdemeanor arrests, 1 felony arrest, 3 misdemeanor citations, 6 parking citations, and 8 infractions during the period of February 20, 2025, through February 25, 2025.
During the period of February 20, 2025, through February 25, 2025, our Dispatch Center received 228 inbound calls for service. In addition, they responded to 34 incoming 911 calls. All calls were answered within 10 seconds of their ring time.
All Officers continue to participate in POST Portal Training and Lexipol Daily Training Bulletins. Other POST online training continues for Patrol and Dispatch personnel.
Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:
The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 27 calls for service last week, they were: 23 medicals, 2 public service, 1 fire and 1 investigation.
Message from the Chief:
Please make sure you have a burn permit to burn in the City. A courtesy call is appreciated to tell us the location of your burn.
Permits are available at the Fire Department 814 5th street from 8-5pm.