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Friday Notes for July 19, 2024

Posted on July 19, 2024



  • July 20th at 9:30am: Christmas in July Fun Run and Free Swim Day at Northside Park.


  • On July 16th a joint meeting between the City Council and the Recreation Center and City Plaza Ad Hoc was held to review plans and receive information regarding the CSBG Grant.
  • The Corning Sign along I-5 south of Corning was cleaned up and repainted. Staff will continue to consider options and placement of a reconstructed of new sign.
  • The bump in the road on Highway 99 near Bell Carter has been removed.
  • On Thursday, July 18th I spoke at the Tehama County Realtor Association meeting held in Red Bluff. I provided information regrading Corning and updates as to projects we are working on.
  • On Wednesday, July 17th I met with Dave Gowan from the Tehama County/Red Bluff Chamber of Commerce and Tehama County Economic Development. Be sure to visit
  • Staff continue to work with Housing Tools on the Housing Element. We anticipate a draft document to begin the administrative review.
  • We continue to work on a new municipal water well to benefit residents. We continue to work with the Corning Healthcare District to discuss the location of the new City well on Healthcare District property by way of an easement.
  • Staff continue to work on the City Recreation Center and Plaza Project. The Consultant is working on bid documents.
  • Staff is working with Adams Ashby Group to submit a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). This grant funding would be for the Recreation Center and City Plaza.

“There is immense power when a group of people with similar interests gets together to work toward the same goals.” – Idowu Koyenikan



Commission Vacancies:

The City’s Airport, Recreation, and Library Commissions each have one vacant position.  If interested, please complete an application at and submit it to City Clerk Lisa Linnet at  All three commissions meet quarterly on specified days the first week of the month in January, April, July, and October.



Hydrant Replacement:

The Public Works Crew worked with the Fire Department to identify fire hydrants in need of replacement.  As they work on replacing them there will be temporary water shutoffs in the surrounding areas.  Notifications will be distributed prior to any water shutoffs.

West Street School Connectivity Project:

Builder Solutions, Inc. has completed their scope of work for the West Street Connectivity Project, including the crosswalk at the West and Solano Street intersection.


With the hot weather water leaks continue to pop up.  The Public Works crew has been working diligently to address each one as they come up.



7th Cycle Housing Element Update:

The City’s 7th Cycle Housing Element has been posted for review at  If you have any comments, please email



Free Swim Days July 19th & 20th:

We hope you are having a great summer and enjoying the City Pool.  We have two more FREE Swim Days; they will be Friday, July 19th sponsored by Rolling Hills Clinic, and Saturday, July 20th sponsored by The Maywood Women’s Club.

July 20th Fun Run:

Corning Recreation will be holding their first Fun Run titled “Christmas in July” on July 20th at Northside Park starting at 9:30 a.m.  The event will be for youth ages 2-16 and will have water obstacles, a slip-n-slide, photo opportunity with Santa in his board shorts, along with many prizes.  The cost is $5.00/child to participate.  For further information go to




In addition to responding to 122 calls for service, there were 72 officer-initiated incidents, including 33 traffic stops, and a total of 29 officer reports taken.  Officers made 7misdemeanor arrests, 4 felony arrests, issued 6 misdemeanor citations, 1 parking citation, and 1 infraction during the period of July 11, 2024 through July 17, 2024.


During the period of July 11, 2024 through July 17, 2024, our Dispatch Center received 276 inbound calls for service.  In addition, they responded to 27 incoming 911 calls.  All calls were answered within 10 seconds of their ring time.


All Officers continue to participate in POST Portal Training and Lexipol Daily Training Bulletins.  Other POST online training continues for Patrol and Dispatch personnel.


We are currently recruiting for one Lateral Police Officer and Police Officers.  Get your applications in now!  Visit for more information.



Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:

The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 26 calls for service last week, they were:  20 medicals, 3 fires, 1investigation, and 21 public service.

Chief’s Message:

Be a good neighbor and help keep Corning nice and clean.

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