DATE: MARCH 17, 2023
Happy St. Paddy’s Day!
- March 16th – 17th: City Manager Kristina Miller will be taking time off to spend with her family.
- March 24th 31st: Planner II/Recreation Coordinator Chrissy Meeds will be on vacation.
Labor Negotiations:
Mediation was held on March 15th between the City representatives and the Public Safety unit; both parties will meet for another mediation session on April 6th.
Annual Financial Statements:
The City’s annual financial statements were presented at the March 14th City Council meeting.
Mid-Year Budget Review:
The Mid-Year Budget Review was presented at the March 14th City Council meeting.
Downtown Corning Awning Requests for Proposals:
Bids are due Friday March 17th. Bid award is tentatively scheduled for the March 28th City Council meeting.
Waste Management Rate Increase Request:
The City Council will consider a rate increase request for garbage, recycling, and yard waste services. Public notices have been sent out to all property owners, as required by law. If approved, the new rates will go into effect April 1st.
Sacramento Valley Division Elected Officials Meeting:
I attended Sacramento Valley Division Elected Officials meeting as the City Manager member on March 13th.
Upcoming Meetings:
- March 22nd: I will be attending a Groundwater Commission meeting.
- March 23rd: I will be attending a Northern California Cities’ Self Insurance Fund Claims Committee and Executive Committee meeting.
Storm Cleanup:
Public Works Staff is working as quickly as possible addressing storm cleanup. First priority has been given to areas where public safety is a concern, followed by areas that restrict drainage that could potentially result in flooding if additional rain is received. Please be patient as our crews work through these items and ultimately get to the smaller cleanup work.
New LED Message Board Application:
The application for adding qualifying community events to the new LED Message Board has been added to the City website for community use.
Sewer Reminder:
It is important to remind residents that the only thing that should be flushed down the toilet is toilet paper. Flushable wipes, paper towels and baby wipes are not flushable and should be thrown in the trash. When these items are flushed down our toilets that can very easily create blockages in the City sewer lines and also make the treatment of waste at our Wastewater Treatment Facility much more difficult and costly.
Corning Tuesday Night Market Dates:
The Corning Tuesday Night Market dates have been set and are as follows:
- April 4, May 2, June 6, September 5, and October 2nd from 5:00pm to 8pm.
Events will take place on Solano Street between 4th street and 6th street and will feature, Food Trucks, Live Music, a Beer and Wine Garden, Vendors, a Kids Zone and more.
April 4th Corning Tuesday Night Market:
We have a couple fun exciting things planned, for the upcoming Tuesday Night Market on April 4th. We have a special appearance by the one and only Easter Bunny; a 4-H petting zoo; Ace Hardware will be participating in our event and have vegetable starts and flowers onsite from their store located on South Avenue; and Corning Recreations newest Dance Krew, CDK will be performing their newest routine, plus much, much more.
Recreation Parent Code of Conduct Policy:
Thank you to the Corning City Council for approving the Recreation Department’s “Parent Code of Conduct”. Recreation Coordinator Chrissy Meeds will begin working with our recreation software company to get the form loaded onto the platform so parents will sign it when they register their children for a recreation class.
Recreation Programs:
Spring Recreation opened last week, and we have a strong start which is great. We are offering a few New Classes such as: Wayne Webster is teaching an Internet Safety Class; Jesenia will be running a Little Athletes class to introduce kids ages 3-6 to sports; and we are also offering 3 new Art Programs.
Below are some of the many classes now open for registration:
- Flag Football
- Jr. Giants: Registration will open on April 3rd.
Planner II Chrissy Meeds has completed work on the yearly reports for the Housing & Urban Development Department and the Office of Planning Research that are due April 1st. Ms. Meeds will present these reports to the City Council at the first meeting in April.
In addition to responding to 148 calls for service, a total of 22 officer reports were taken and there were 103 officer-initiated incidents, including 13 traffic stops. Officers made 4 misdemeanor arrests and 2 felony arrests. Officers issued 6 citations, of which; 4 were misdemeanors, 1 infraction, and 1 was parking during the period of March 9, 2023, through March 15, 2023.
Officers continue to participate in POST Portal Training and Lexipol Daily Training Bulletins. Other POST online training continues for Patrol and Dispatch personnel.
“Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.” Abraham Lincoln
Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:
The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 20 calls for service last week, they consisted of: 15 medicals, 1 fire, 2 traffic collisions, 1 public service, and 1 investigation.
The Glenn County Volunteer Fire Departments Call Volumes:
The Orland, Capay, Artois, Bayliss, Glenn Codora, Ord Bend and Butte City Volunteer Fire Departments were dispatched to 16 calls for service last week, they consisted of: 8 medicals, 4 traffic collisions, 2 fires, 1 agency assist, and 1 water rescue.
Chief’s Message:
Spring is coming, lets keep our lawns and properties nice and clear of debris.