DATE: July 22, 2022
July 21st – July 22nd: City Manager Kristina Miller will be on vacation.
July 29th – August 5th: City Manager Kristina Miller will be on vacation.
August 9th – August 21st: Public Works/City Engineer Consultant Robin Kampmann will be on vacation August 9th through August 21, 2022.
July 26th and August 2nd: Assistant Public Works Director Steve Lindeman will be off on Tuesday July 26, 2022 and Tuesday August 2, 2022.
August 24th – September 5th: Administrative Assistant/City Clerk Lisa Linnet will be on vacation.
Police Department IT Services:
Chief Fears and I met with Computer Logistics regarding Police Department IT needs with the departure of long-time employee Tom Watson. Computer Logistics is drafting a proposal for work previously performed by Tom Watson that is not covered within our existing Agreement. Chief Fears and I are exploring various staffing configurations that will meet the needs of the Police Department and City Hall.
Grant Management Services:
Housing Tools, the City’s Grant Administration Consultant, is interested in a one-year extension of the existing Agreement. A scope of work is being drafted for Housing Tools to provide grant administration services for the Proposition 68 Park Development and Community Revitalization Grant. Staff budgeted $30,000 in this fiscal year’s budget to support the grant administration services.
Proposition 68 Park Development and Community Revitalization Grant (Recreation Center and City Plaza Grant):
The City Council will be asked to consider a professional services agreement with Alliance Environmental Services for lead and asbestos testing of all buildings to be demolished at the July 26th City Council meeting.
Proposition 47 Cohort 2 (Restore Program):
The City administers a $3.5 M Board of State and Community Corrections Proposition 47 Cohort 2 Grant that provides case coordination, therapy, substance use treatment, housing assistance, and an advocate for those that are 12-26 in age that reside in Tehama County. The Agreement will be extended for a one-year period through December 31, 2023.
The Tehama County Department of Education is proposed to be awarded a $6M Grant to implement the third cycle of the Proposition 47 Restore Program. The City will no longer be the lead agency for Cohort 3. A big congrats goes to the Cohort 3 Team!
A Restore Proposition 47 Quarterly Advisory Meeting was held on July 20th.
3 CORE Receives United States Department of Agriculture Grant:
3Core was awarded a $60,000 USDA Grant for an Interstate 5 Feasibility Study for Corning and Orland. This Grant will be helpful in identifying economic development opportunities and other sources of revenue to the City as the State transitions to electric vehicles. The City currently receives about $1M each year in fuel sales tax. As the State transitions to electric vehicles, there is significant potential the City will lose a significant revenue source. 3Core will administer the Grant on behalf of the City.
Community Event: A Movie in the Park will take place this Saturday, July 23, 2022 at the Northside Park, 1414 Colusa Street. The movie will begin at approximately 8:30 p.m. (dusk).
June 19th Planning Commission Meeting:
The new Mobile Vending Ordinance 699 was introduced to the Planning Commissioners. A number of affected Vendors were present in the audience as well other members of the Community. By a 4-0 vote, the Commission approved a recommendation of approval to the Corning City Council for Ordinance 699 with a specified change allowing existing Mobile Vendors with a City Business License to be “Grandfathered” in and excused from the required 200-foot distance from a permanent facility. However, should the existing business ownership change in any way they would become subject to the terms of the new Ordinance. Staff is currently updating the proposed Ordinance 699 with the changes requested by the Commission. The updated draft Mobile Vending Ordinance 699 will then be published to meet the 10-day noticing period required by law prior to presentation and introduction to the City Council hopefully at the first meeting in August (August 9th).
Heritage RV Park:
Also at the July 19th Meeting, the Planning Commission approved the amendments to the Heritage RV Park’s Conditional Use Permit No. 2020-293 and extended the Use Permit for another year.
Upcoming Planning Projects:
- Lot Split Tentative Map at the southwest corner of 820 Chestnut St. will be presented for review and possible action by the Planning Commission at the August Meeting;
- Legal Counsel has prepared a new Ordinance to comply with the latest SB-9 State legislation that will possibly to be introduced at the August Planning Commission Meeting.
Municipal Services Review (MSR):
Staff continues their work with Mark Teague on the current MSR and hopes to have it completed and ready to present soon.
Summer Programs:
Corning Recreation is in full swing with our summer program. All is going well, and classes have great attendance. We have just released registration for another round of Adult Aerobics Classes.
In addition to responding to 156 calls for service, a total of 22 officer reports were taken and there were 57 officer-initiated incidents, including 21 traffic stops. Officers made 5 misdemeanor and 2 felony arrests. Officers issued 11 citations, of which; 10 were misdemeanors, and 1 was an infraction during the period of July 14, 2022, through July 20, 2022.
Officers continue to participate in POST Portal Training and Lexipol Daily Training Bulletins. Other POST on-line training continues for Patrol and Dispatch personnel.
“Celebrate endings-for they precede new beginnings”
Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:
The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 26 calls for service last week, they were: 20 medicals, 1 fire, 1 mutual aid fire, 1 traffic collision, 1 mutual aid traffic collision, 1 public service, and 1 investigation.
The Glenn County Volunteer Fire Department Call Volumes:
The Orland, Capay, Artois, Bayliss, Glenn Codora, Ord Bend and Butte City Volunteer Fire Departments were dispatched to 23 calls for service last week, they consisted of: 15 medicals, 3 fires, 3 traffic collisions, 1 public service, and 1 hazardous condition.
Fire Chief’s Message:
It’s hot, take care of your pets and please don’t walk them on hot pavement. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.