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Friday Notes July 8, 2022

Posted on July 8, 2022



DATE:   July 8, 2022



Groundwater Commission Meeting:

I attended a Tehama County Groundwater Commission meeting whereby there was a public hearing to receive and present public comments on the proposed Groundwater Sustainability regulations and to discuss the proposed regulations governing new and replacement agricultural and domestic wells and appeals.  Due to increasing pressure on groundwater resources and the potential for agricultural pumping to influence domestic wells within their sphere of influence, this regulation will require screening below and sealing between the aquifer levels for the two types of wells.  The regulation further requires minimum depths only for domestic wells, in order to be more sustainable during extended dry periods.  This will place a necessary access priority on wells used for potable water.  The proposed regulations can be found at:


Economic Development:

I met with Supervisors Bill Moule and John Leach as to the City’s interest in revamping the Tehama County Economic Development Corporation (TCEDC) to retain, expand, and attract businesses to Tehama County and the cities of Red Bluff and Corning.  The cities of Red Bluff and Corning are each requested to contribute $50,000 per year sustainably.  The County is proposing to contribute $70,000 per year.

I will be meeting with the North State Planning and Development Collective (NSPDC) and 3CORE, Inc. regarding the Community Economic Resiliency Fund (CERF) process in the North State region on July 8th.  I should have more information after the meeting.


Upcoming Meetings:

July 14thI will be leading the Sacramento Valley City Manager’s monthly meeting on July 14th.  I was nominated President for this fiscal year.


July 14th:  I will be attending the Northern California Cities’ Self Insurance Fund Executive Committee Meeting.



Dates for City Nominations for Offices in the November 8th Elections:

The regular biennial election of City of Corning Mayor and Council Members (2) will take place on November 8, 2022.  Filing dates for these offices will open on July 18, 2022 and close on August 12, 2022.  If any incumbent fails to file during the nomination period, there will be a five-day extension through 5:00 p.m. on August 17, 2022 for anyone other than the incumbent officer.  As stated, the City Mayor (currently Robert Snow), and two members of the City Council (Dave Demo and Karen Burnett) are up for election this year.  The Mayor is a 2-year term; and the City Council term is 4-years.



Solano Street Improvement Project:

The Solano Street Improvement Project will continue this upcoming week at the 4th Street intersection and shift to the 5th Street intersection by the end of the week.  Please expect intermittent delays in traffic and localized detours within the work area.  Access to all businesses within the work area will be maintained.


Caltrans Project – Champlin Slough:

SR 99 south of Los Molinos at the Champlin Slough Bridge continues to be fully closed to through traffic. The detour for this project will be South Avenue but increased traffic has been noticed on other routes.  Please anticipate an increase of traffic in this area and plan accordingly if you travel in the Los Molinos area.


Water Quality Report 2021:

The 2021 Water Quality Report/Consumer Confidence Report has been completed for the City of Corning water system.  A copy of the report can be found here:


Water Usage Outside City Limits:

In June, we have provided 14,395 gallons of water to County residents that have dry wells.  This amount has increased from May.  Currently the City has 33 County residents that are located within 5 miles of City Hall that are approved to purchase City Water.  We have not had any new residents sign up since October but there has been an increase in interest this last month.  Of these 33 County residents, 8 purchased water in June, consistent with previous months.  The average customer is purchasing 1,799 gallons of water per month.




Mobile Vending Ordinance:

The mobile vending Ordinance is complete and will be introduced to the Planning Commission on July 19th.




Clark Park Holistic Playground:

The crew members in the County’s AB 109 Program have been wonderful to work with; they came to Corning on Tuesday and Wednesday and pretty much finished the painting of the Holistic Playground at Clark Park.  Public Works is planning to get the triple hoop pole installed so that we can open the playground on Friday, July 8th.




In addition to responding to 149 calls for service, a total of 25 officer reports were taken and there were 126 officer-initiated incidents, including 42 traffic stops.  Officers made 9 misdemeanor and 6 felony arrests.  Officers issued 21 citations, of which; 13 were misdemeanors, 2 were parking and 6 were infractions during the period of June 30, 2022, through July 6, 2022.



Officers continue to participate in POST Portal Training and Lexipol Daily Training Bulletins.  Other POST on-line training continues for Patrol and Dispatch personnel.


Chief’s Message:

Due to the temporary closure of Hwy 99E the City is experiencing a large influx of traffic on South Avenue as well as Solano Street.  The Police Department asks that you allow yourself more time in your travels, obey all traffic laws and be courteous to others on the roadway.


“Know your worth and never settle for less than you deserve.”



Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:

The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 14 calls for service last week, they consisted of:  9 medicals, 1 fire, 2 mutual aid fires, 1 public service, and 1 investigation.


The Glenn County Volunteer Fire Department Call Volumes:

The Orland, Capay, Artois, Bayliss, Glenn Codora, Ord Bend, and Butte City Volunteer Fire Departments were dispatched to a combined total of 23 calls for service last week, they consisted of:  10 medicals, 6 traffic collisions, 4 fires, 2 public service, and 1 hazardous condition.


Fire Chief’s Message:

There were zero fires or injuries reported in the City Limits over the July 4th weekend.

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