• March 24th 31st: Planner II/Recreation Coordinator Chrissy Meeds will be on vacation.
Downtown Corning Awning Request for Proposals:
Bids were due Friday, March 17th; one Bid was received from North State Painting. Staff is seeking City Council award at the March 28th City Council Meeting.
Waste Management Rate Increase Request:
The City Council will consider a rate increase request for garbage, recycling, and yard waste services at the during the Public Hearing at the March 28th City Council meeting. Public Notices have been mailed out to all property owners as required by law. If approved, the new rates will go into effect April 1st.
Groundwater Commission Meeting:
At the March 22nd Groundwater Commission Meeting, the Commission, following a lengthy public comment period and subsequent discussion, directed Staff to look at existing data and groundwater recovery from this past winter to create management areas that would be subject to a well moratorium. These areas are anticipated to be west and south of Corning. Other areas where there are not issues with wells going dry would not be subject to the moratorium. Ultimately the decision of a well moratorium would be decided by the Tehama County Flood Control and Water Conservation Board. The Groundwater Commission is an advisory recommending body in this matter. The meeting agenda and audio can be found at:
Northern California Cities’ Self Insurance Fund (NCCSIF) Claims Committee:
Sidewalk liability concerns remain a significant issue. NCCSIF will provide training to member cities to minimize this liability.
Upcoming Meetings:
• March 30th: As President of the Sacramento Division of City Managers, I will be attending the statewide City Managers Division Executive Committee.
• March 31st: I will be attending the Sacramento Division Membership Meeting.
Olive View and West Street School ATP Safe Routes to School Projects:
Public Works Staff in conjunction with our consultant R.E.Y. Engineers have submitted the request for allocation of construction funding applications to Caltrans for allocation at the May 2023 CTC meeting. The goal of these projects is to obtain funding in late May/early June and complete construction through the summer months.
Jennings Heights Maintenance and Rehabilitation Project:
The Notice of Award has been issued to the Contractor for this project. Depending on the weather and in anticipation of warmer weather in the near future, the Contractor has tentatively scheduled the project to start the week of April 17th. Staff will work with the Contractor to verify the start date the closer we get to that date.
Corporation Yard Vandalism/Theft:
Over the weekend the Corporation Yard was broken into, and many items were stolen including, but not limited to, the catalytic converters off 2 trucks, a variety of small hand tools/equipment and landscaping equipment.
Water System SCADA Upgrade:
As budgeted in the FY22/23 budget, Staff have started the process of upgrading our water system Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) equipment for our well sites. The work will include new software, new SCADA equipment, a new SCADA server/computer, and a new backup generator that operates our SCADA system when the power goes out.
Corning Tuesday Night Market Dates:
The Corning Tuesday Night Market dates have been set and are as follows:
• April 4, May 2, June 6, September 5, and October 2nd from 5:00pm to 8pm.
Events will take place on Solano Street between 4th street and 6th street and will feature, Food Trucks, Live Music, a Beer and Wine Garden, Vendors, a Kids Zone and more.
April 4th Corning Tuesday Night Market:
We have a couple fun exciting things planned, for the upcoming Tuesday Night Market on April 4th. We have a special appearance by the one and only Easter Bunny; a 4-H petting zoo; Ace Hardware will be participating in our event and have vegetable starts and flowers onsite from their store located on South Avenue; and Corning Recreations newest Dance Krew, CDK will be performing their newest routine, plus much, much more.
Recreation Parent Code of Conduct Policy:
The new “Recreation Parent Code of Conduct” has been added to our registering software. When parents sign their children up for a class that form will now need to be signed.
In addition to responding to 140 calls for service, a total of 35 officer reports were taken and there were 93 officer-initiated incidents, including 23 traffic stops. Officers made 6 misdemeanor arrests and 8 felony arrests. Officers issued 9 citations, of which; 7 were misdemeanors, 1 infraction, and 1 was parking during the period of March 16, 2023, through March 22, 2023.
Officers continue to participate in POST Portal Training and Lexipol Daily Training Bulletins. Other POST online training continues for Patrol and Dispatch personnel.
“Do not be afraid.”
Corning Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) Call Volume:
The Corning Volunteer Fire Department responded to 14 calls for service last week, they consisted of: 11 medicals, 1 fire, 1 traffic collision, and 1 public service.
The Glenn County Volunteer Fire Departments Call Volumes:
The Orland, Capay, Artois, Bayliss, Glenn Codora, Ord Bend and Butte City Volunteer Fire Departments were dispatched to 6 calls for service last week, they consisted of: 2 medicals, 1 traffic collision, 2 investigations, and 1 public service.
Chief’s Message:
Spring is coming and the weeds are growing fast!!! Please be a good resident and neighbor and keep your properties neat and clean.