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Press Release- City of Corning Response to Anderson & Sons Shelling Layoffs

Posted on August 16, 2024




August 16, 2024


The City of Corning is partnering to offer Layoff and Business Services as a response to recent layoffs at Andersen & Sons Shelling (Vina, Ca), which occurred on Friday, July 26th resulting in 321 individuals without jobs. Approximately 75% of those affected reside in Tehama County and 50% live within the City of Corning. The majority of the employees were permanent, non-seasonal workers.

The Tehama County Job Training Center promptly responded by providing 100% of the affected employees with information about layoff services including Unemployment Insurance (UI), job search assistance, customized hiring events, health insurance, re-training, financial planning, and more. Since July 26th the Job Training Center has helped 117 of the affected employees with job search and career services, hosted 2 custom hiring events, confirmed 13+ employers who are on board to recruit from this population, began coordinating job training classes and English classes, and have plans to submit an Emergency Additional Assistance application to the State of California in partnership with NoRTEC, the Local Workforce Development Board.  The additional funds will ensure comprehensive career and training services are made available to the affected employees. For more information about local layoff services please call Job Training Center at (530) 529-7000 or visit

This event has caused a ripple effect to other local businesses such as walnut producers, farmers, contractors, transportation companies, farm product companies, etc. and has been compounded by declining walnut prices and rising inflation costs. A coordinated response team has been formed to address the immediate needs of these businesses and help prevent future business layoffs, business closures and provide immediate support to our community.  The team is being led by the City of Corning, the Tehama County Farm Bureau and the Tehama County Job Training Center.  Twelve partnering agencies have agreed to support this initiative and workgroups are underway to address the immediate needs of local businesses.

For more information or to get involved, please visit the City of Corning’s newly launched website at which will serve as the resource and services hub for those impacted by these difficult economic times. The website will feature resources from City of Corning, Tehama County Farm Bureau, Tehama County Job Training Center, ChicoSTART, Corning Chamber of Commerce, Small Business Development Center at Butte College, 3CORE, Red Bluff Chamber of Commerce, GO-Biz and CalOSBA.

If you are interested in hiring and training an Andersen & Sons employee, call the Tehama County Job Training Center at (530) 529-7000.

The City of Corning is confident that mobilizing these services and partnerships will help our community through this difficult time.  For information, please visit our website or contact the City of Corning.

 Contact Information:

Brant Mesker, City Manager



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